Sports Wheelchair Prescriptions


Find Your Perfect Fit with Our Expert Team

We are a team of occupational therapists who specialise in prescribing sports wheelchairs. Our team has experience using sports wheelchairs, and we are passionate about helping individuals find the perfect fit for their needs. Sports wheelchairs offer numerous benefits, including greater mobility, speed, and agility for athletes.

We work closely with clients and their healthcare providers to assess their needs and prescribe the most appropriate sports wheelchair. Our goal is to ensure that our clients can access the best technology available to meet their mobility needs.

Find Your Perfect Sports Wheelchair with Our Expert Team

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our expert team and discover the perfect sports wheelchair to meet your unique needs and goals.

Personalised Assessment, Prescription and Training

Our expert process for sports wheelchair prescription involves a comprehensive assessment of your mobility needs and goals, followed by a personalised medicine and Assistive Technology (AT) application for approval. We then conduct a fitting session and provide training on using and maintaining the wheelchair. A follow-up appointment is scheduled to ensure that the wheelchair is meeting your needs.

We understand that a sports wheelchair prescription should prioritise comfort, accommodate postural abnormalities, minimise the risk of developing new postural abnormalities, maximise function, and meet pressure care needs. Our experienced occupational therapists understand your unique needs and can provide the perfect solution.

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